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wundayatta's avatar

Santorum may win a few states today, but Romney has more than twice as many delegates as he does. Can Romney be overtaken?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) March 6th, 2012

It’s 9:30 EST on Super Tuesday as I write this, and it looks like Santorum will win in three or so states. Google has a map of the primary results to date if you want to check what’s going on currently.

The map shows Romney with 273 delegates and Santorum with 108. I don’t see how Santorum can catch up. Do you think he will stay in the race to the end? Do you think he might want to try to parlay this into a vice presidential nomination? Is he just setting himself up for four or eight years from now? Do you see any way Santorum could overcome Romney’s lead?

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