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Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

How have I remained oblivious to this trial everyone seems to be preoccupied with?

Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought (14682points) May 10th, 2013

Apparently there is a woman name Jodi Addidas, who was being tried for murder or something.

I check a financial news website 3 times a day, watch MSNBC at night typically for 2 hours, and skim through my local newspaper cover to cover. At least once a day I skim the NYTimes website, and occasionally I will check Huffingtonpost, and if I am bored, even Fox News.

Was this an important thing? How am I unaware of this trial. I see now that there are even Fluther questions about it. Where have you people been learning about it?

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