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Do you judge people by their first names?

Asked by OpryLeigh (25310points) July 5th, 2013

The Brits here may have seen this “interesting” discussion on morning TV yesterday. The video I posted is 9 minutes long but you can get the general gist in the first 30 seconds! Basically, one of the women (Katie Hopkins) is saying that she judges her children’s friends on their first names because the names their parents give them lets her know what sort of class they are and whether or not she wants her children playing with them!!!

She goes on to say that celebrity names, seasonal names and geographical names (watch out for the massive contradiction here) tell her that the child is probably not the type she wants her children to be mixing with.

Do you judge people by their names in anyway? I’m sure we have all heard a celebrity name (North West?) and rolled our eyes but how far would you take that thought?

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