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How different would your life be if you were single?

Asked by JLeslie (65643points) February 10th, 2015 from iPhone

For this question I am not including whether you would have children or not.

I want to know if you didn’t pursue a career or interest, because you are married. Or, if you live in a house or a city you would never have chosen, good or bad. If you have more than you ever imagined. Or, that you have less, because your spouse made bad financial decisions. Maybe you didn’t invest in something, because your spouse was against it? Maybe your spouse’s risk taking has brought you great wealth.

Do you have fewer friends? More friends? Is the temperature in your house not where you would set it? Do you keep your house cleaner than you would? Is it messier?

Anything that comes to mind is a good answer no matter how small or large.

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