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cookieman's avatar

Late to the Party: What movies, music, or television shows have you discovered much later than everyone else and yet became some of your favorites?

Asked by cookieman (41804points) July 4th, 2016 from iPhone

I do this all the time. An early adopter or hipster fan I certainly am not.

Recently I just discovered the the TV show “The Americans”. They’re on their fourth season and I never noticed them. It’s now my favorite show. I just finished season one.

Also, I was a big fan of the band Counting Crows in the late nineties. Their first three albums were great but I stopped following them years ago. Just recently I happened upon their 2014 album “Somewhere Under Wonderland”. It’s fabulous and I’ve been playing it nonstop for two weeks.

How about you Jellies? Any late find gems in your listening or watching loves?

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