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What is the ideal time duration for your snooze alarm?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43843points) March 1st, 2017

My snooze alarm gives me 10 minutes. Invariably, I fall back into deep sleep with vivid dreams until it wakes me up again. Sometimes I reset it and fall back to sleep yet again. (I have been known to set it a third time.)

I decided to experiment with shorter and shorter snooze times to find the ideal duration for me.
Set at 8 minutes, 7 minutes, and 6 minutes, I still fell back into deep sleep with dreams. At 5 minutes I fall asleep and have dreams the first and maybe the second time it goes off. But after that, I am awake. I use the next 5 minutes to exercise in bed by moving my joints and eyes to their extreme positions. I then get up when it goes off the third time.
For me, 15 minutes broken into three 5 minute snoozes feels much better than three 10 minute periods where I fall back into deep sleep and wake up groggy.
Did I discover something?
Do you use snooze or do you get right up when the alarm goes off? Have you experimented with snooze duration?

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