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PullMyFinger's avatar

Tell us about a crazy dream you had...

Asked by PullMyFinger (3870points) May 21st, 2017

Last night I dreamed that my wife and I were walking around some kind of convention center, and Paul McCartney walks up and hands me his cellphone, saying “It’s John”. Lennon says “Hey, mate, listen….a 10-year-old boy is going to ask for an autograph. Do me a favor and give it to him”.

“Why would he want my autograph ?”, I ask. “Or am I supposed to sign YOUR name ?”

“No”, John says. “YOUR name. And by the way, how are you liking the Strawberry Fields ?”

“What ??”

Just then, people begin walking by with feet growing from their ears, and six separately-blinking eyes.

I have no idea how they got in there, but now understand what ‘Strawberry Fields’ are…..

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