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JLeslie's avatar

Did you see the recent twist on universal daycare?

Asked by JLeslie (65643points) March 6th, 2019 from iPhone

For three minutes my husband had Fox on TV, and Tucker Carlson had a guest on, and they were talking about Warren saying something about how the US should have universal daycare. Carlson’s guest said that it is a terrible idea, because we shouldn’t be taking babies and young children away from their moms. Children want to be with their moms, and moms want to be with their kids.

Not one mention about how some parents need to work or want to work! WTH? I only watched 3 minutes (I couldn’t take it anymore) so maybe they eventually said something about reality, but I didn’t see it.

I didn’t see what Warren said originally, and I’m not saying I’m in favor of this daycare or not, I’m only saying I can’t believe how some conservatives will twist things. They make it sound like parents will be forced by the government to put their kids in daycare, and I guess along with that is the Democrats will be brainwashing your kids. Or, maybe I’m going too far in my guessing.

Try to avoid that many conservatives were ok with separating children from their parents at the border, I don’t want to go down that tangent.

What exactly was Warren proposing?

What exactly are conservatives hearing in this proposal and arguments against it?


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