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gondwanalon's avatar

What do you think of my idea of saving the lives of sea turtle hatchlings?

Asked by gondwanalon (23107points) March 12th, 2021

Watching video of baby sea turtles being eaten by birds on their way to the sea is so sad. Only 1 turtle in 1000 makes it to adulthood.

Technology is here to significantly slow the slaughter. The birds and other predators can be trained to not eat the turtle hatchlings through the use of an army of robotic baby turtles.

The robot baby turtles would make their way down the beach and into the water and swim through the water to a collection point (waiting boat).

When a predator bird (or other animal) grabs a baby robot turtle in it’s beak, the circuit between electrodes is closed and a strong shock is delivered. A shock strong enough to let the bird or predator know that they don’t EVER what that to happen again. But not strong enough to kill.

Once in the water fish will be treated to the same shocking experience when they try eating one of those robotic baby turtles.

After the robotic sea turtles are collected, they can be recharged and the process is repeated a few times up until just prior to the real sea turtle hatchlings emerge. The hatchlings should mostly have a clear run to the waves.

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