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Will my Fellow Fluther'ers help me decide? LCD or Plasma?

Asked by scubydoo (756points) November 22nd, 2008

Hey friends. I’m looking to purchase a New TV this year. I’ve waited until the end of the year hoping I’d get the best bang for my buck on prices for the holidays. Only problem is, I’m still trying to decide on whether to get a LCD Tv or Plasma one. Some of my “wants” are : 1080p, size between 40–50”, Price-well I’m willing to spend up to $1500 but was hoping to get one for around $1000. Models I’ve been looking at are: LG, Pioneer, Samsung and Sony but am willing to purchase other brands if they have a good track record. As far as the purpose of the TV, i’d be mainnly watching TV, playing games and DVD’s (maybe soon blue ray). Come on and help me decide, please. What would you choose and if possible why? thanks

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