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lexipoorocks's avatar

What are some things that I can do with a cute 3 year old girl coming for the weekend?

Asked by lexipoorocks (146points) January 7th, 2010

I knw this is soo long but please take the time to read it because its fascinating. Ok some of you might now I already made a question like this. But then you were saying like she wasnt supervised or something but anyway. A cute 3 year old girl is coming to my house soon (well thats what her mom said) and I really want to make her happy! She hugs me all the time!! But the story is my friend AC came over and we were hanging out then Tyler (the little girl) came over. We got really bored!! So we decided to make some cookies. Well while the cookies were in the oven me and ac had to go to the bathroom. so we left tyler with her mom. Then while we were in the bathroom Tyler said she saw one of us come out but it was really just AC getting toilet paper(lol). So when Tyler couldn’t find us (because she thought we had came out) she went looking for us and started going up these really really hard stairs. And she isn’t supposed to walk up even carpeted stairs unsupervised because you know shes 3. So she fell and busted her chin and she was bleeding terribly. When me and AC came back tyler was sitting on the stairs crying and bleeding we were like omg!!! AC started rocking her and getting ice for her while I got her mom. And so they had to leave to take her to the hospital afterwards. We gave her a cookie to make her feel better but anyway.. So I want to make this visit really fun for her so what can I do. She thinks of her self as a big girl and calls all the big girls ’‘fancy’’. (aww) So I don’t really want to go out and buy her a baby rattle either. Plus not just make up because her 4 year old bro is coming to and since he’s a ’‘baby’’ too I wanna be nice to him too. And I don’t really want to go a lot of places because I can’t drive. Not because I’m stupid but because i’m not old enough. And I don’t really want to buy a whole bunch of things either. But I will if it’s like under $5. And I liked the answers on the other question too but I need more!! OK thanks so much!

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