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Pandora's avatar

Why do women who are married and being supported by their spouse have to describe what they do all day?

Asked by Pandora (32374points) March 29th, 2010

I’ve worked many years from 15 years of age and I’m now retired at 49. I’ve raised my children successfully and they are grown and self supporting. Now it seems everyone wants to know what I am doing.
When I was working people would ask me what do I do. Once answered they never asked me for details. Now that I stay at home and do as I please, people ask me for details as if they are supporting me and need me to justify what I do in a day. What the hell is with the freakin 20 questions?
Before my husband and I hardly had any time for each other and now we get to spend more time together.
Is it envy, or is it simply expected we all work till we die and never take time to enjoy life?

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