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tedd's avatar

Why do people think gays in the military will effect unit cohesion?

Asked by tedd (14078points) September 21st, 2010

It doesn’t make any damn sense. I’ve talked with people who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq (friends of mine mostly from high school), and they KNEW some members of their units were gay. None of them cared, and they still did their job just fine. People are spewing crap on yahoo in the chat sections under the latest news about repealing don’t ask don’t tell, about how we’d have a military full of freaks and they don’t want their husbands serving with gays.

The pretty much undeniably most bad ass fighting force in the history of our planet was the Spartan soldiers. They’re the ones written about in the book/movie “300” who fought off the masses of Persian soldiers at the battle of Thermoplyae. They were taught to fight from a very young age. Well their homosexuality and bisexuality (probably from being stuck in a barracks full of men for their whole lives) was SO strong that before marriage the bride to be would have her head shaved bald and would be dressed in a mans clothes. Then she’d wait in a dark room for her husband to visit her at night. This carried on for sometimes years, often until the first pregnancy.. all the while she still lived with her parents, and he still lived with a bunch of guys in a barracks. They did this so that they could make women APPEALING to the men, because they apparently didn’t find females attractive.

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