Meta Question

KRD's avatar

How does the community feed work?

Asked by KRD (5264points) February 15th, 2022

I’ve been on Fluther for a year now and I see some things stay on the feed longer than others and some only stay on there for a minute or two then go away. I don’t know how some of it works.

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14 Answers

filmfann's avatar

How does the community feed work?
Just fine.

How does the chat rooms work.
They don’t.

I think the feed is great. Small accomplishments stay up for a few minutes, big ones for a couple days.

janbb's avatar

Things like milestones stay up for a few days. The other activities scroll as slow or as fast as more activities are automatically posted. There is no manual selection process.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s a screenshot of the Community Feed.

At the top you should see a slightly different colored banner announcing that “WestRiverrat is in the 10K club!”

That’s an example of a milestone that @janbb referred to. It’ll stay at the top of the Feed for its duration.

However, the Feed was acting wonky that day; it gave everyone except for WestRiverrat the same avatar! ;-o

KRD's avatar

Thanks @Brian1946. By the way when was that picture taken?

Brian1946's avatar

I took it on April 23, 2011.

rebbel's avatar

Was it not so that most of us changed our avatars to that of YARNLADY, @Brian1946?
In celebration of some event (YARNPOCALYPSE)?

Brian1946's avatar

It very well could be that the CF wonkiness was caused by a Yarnpocalyptic virus. ;)

rebbel's avatar

Which you didn’t participate in???????? ;-)

Zaku's avatar

I’m seeing a weird thing at the moment, where the feed and my “See all your Lurve” page show six ”+5points for answering: C is for cookie, it’s good enough for…” but that answer itself only shows “Great Answer! (2points)” – I don’t remember seeing those not match before.

janbb's avatar

@Zaku That’s what I’ve been asking about for months and there doesn’t seem to be a solution. Fairly often, my feed with show more Lurve than the thread shows it as.

Zaku's avatar

@janbb Oh weird. I hadn’t seen either your questions, or the problem, till now.

janbb's avatar

^^ I only posted a public question about it in Meta once after contacting the Mods several times.

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