Meta Question

TennesseeTeacake's avatar

Have you ever seen someone you know in real life on fluther?

Asked by TennesseeTeacake (337points) March 31st, 2008

if so what did you do? avoid them? say hi?

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21 Answers

amandaafoote's avatar

I know 3 people in real life that are on fluther, so yes, haha

Randy's avatar

My roommate and two other friends are on fluther. None of them are as hard core into it as I am, but I love it. I don’t avoid them, I use the topics and questions to make conversation.

bulbatron9's avatar

Currently, I have brought two of my friends to fluther, but have told several others. Tennessee Teacake, you better watch out for me though, I live in Tennessee, too!

TennesseeTeacake's avatar

i just saw my teacher!

@bulbatron: Nice! Im in Nashville. Current residence, Vanderbilt.

babygalll's avatar

So far just one. I am new to all this, so I am wondering how many more are out there.

rking1487's avatar

Yeah I just realized I know someone new and very active on Fluther.

scamp's avatar

Not yet. but I have met people from message boards I was on, and it was a lot of fun. BTW, I met my SO online, and we’ve been together 6 years now.

b's avatar

Well, do you mean someone you knew before you started using Fluther? Or someone you saw on the street and was like “Hey, that’s sferic!!!! I saw him on Fluther!!”? In any case, I know quite a few Fluther users since I grew up with Ben (yes, I enjoyed all the shameless name dropping).
@ scamp – thats totally sweet.

gailcalled's avatar

Since I am the aunt of one of the founders and he invited all his family, friends and college buddies to join in the early days, there are a lot of us who are related or/ and acquainted. I am always delighted to see their Q & A’s.

Patrick_Bateman's avatar

yeh I work with one person on here.

babygalll's avatar

Out of curiousity. How long has fluther been around? I just joined few days ago.

sferik's avatar

@babygalll you might want to take a look at the answer to this question.

Short answer: the alpha version was launched in the Fall 2006. The current design was launched in June 2007. You can read through the blog archive to get a sense of the history of the site.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I introduced a couple people to this site. Like Randy said i talk to them about stuff on fluther. The worst is how i am with Iceblu though because whenever we hang out we will mention things that happened on fluther and get all excited about topics while our girlfriends look at us like complete losers ^_^ doesn’t matter though Fluther’s the shit.

Randy's avatar

@ uberbatman, Hahaha! I feel ya man. The same things happen to me on a daily basis.

lovelyy's avatar

i know about three people.
my sister cake7 got me to join fluther.
crackerjack and drownedtosleep are two of my friends i asked to join.

cake7's avatar

I would have to agree with lovelyy. I was trying to keep it a secret. ; )

bulbatron9's avatar

@cake&lovely I see the resemblance! Good genetics!

cornman's avatar

I hate to admit it but trainerboy is my brother-in-law. Just kidding trainerboy. :-)

mzgator's avatar

I see Gooch every morning and go to bed with him every night. He’s my husband of sixteen years! Just for the record…we got our iPhones on the day they came out. I found Fluther first and showed it to him. He has been hooked ever since…

syz's avatar

I’m afraid I don’t know any flutherers in real life.

Allie's avatar

yea, I know someone on Fluther in real life.

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