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Aster's avatar

What is it about cats that you love on a daily basis?

Asked by Aster (20023points) October 27th, 2010

I don’t have a cat but I always wonder what it is about them that make people cat lovers.

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9 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Their individual personalities.

deni's avatar

Well my cat is above-average on the neediness scale, but 99% of the time it’s really cute. Whenever I get home he’s there “maw, maw, maw” with his cute little mouth and his big fuzzy tummy, and then he snuggles me wherever I am and burrows his head and adorable little nose into my face and curls up beside me and purrs loudly even if i’m not touching him…and he’s so cute, even if I just glance at him it makes me happy because i have this little tiny jungle cat with a big gut who walks like a duck with an amazing personality all to myself. I also love how he will let me hold him in any way or shape and he just loves it. Sometimes I flip him onto his back and start rubbing away vigorously and he doesn’t ever mind, he just starts purring as loud as can be. Also he’s clumsy and funny and has the best personality.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have two cats that are beautiful,affectionate and smart.They are good company and have even gone boating with me. :)

Coloma's avatar

Right now my big guy ‘Marley’ is lying on the library table next to my laptop basking in the morning sun after the first night of frost. ‘Mia’ is napping on a chair behind me and alls right with the world. lol

Their antics and play never cease to delight and amuse me and I am so happy to give them a great home here on my little micro-farm.

Earlier this morning Marley was following me around greeting all the farmy friends, mine and neigh-bors.

He espeically likes ‘Hilary’ my neighbors huge thoroughbred mule and they always go nose to nose at the gate in the morning.

He then likes to watch the geese swimming and climb a few trees, walk on the deck railing and survey his domain before coming back in the warm house for a morning nap. lol

Cats are endlessy amusing and deeply loveable little critters. :-)

JustmeAman's avatar

I love the joy that my two rescued cats bring to me in my life. I had to feed one of them by hand as it was only two weeks old when I found her. Her back leg was almost severed and I took her to the vet who saved her leg. She comes to me when I whistle and acts more like a dog with me. What ever I do she is right there in the middle of it. I can’t even weed the yard without her laying in the weeds I’m trying to pick. LOL And then she climbs in the garbage bag of the weeds to hide and play. She is such a joy. Her brother was found months later and his head was stuck in my wifes engine. After releasing him he weighted about as much as a feather. He still is scared and will not allow anyone to be anywhere around him but myself and my wife. We have a doggy door and they both use it to come and go.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I don’t know how to describe it really, except to say that I fall all over myself to love on cats. I always have. They’re just amazing creatures, and so beautiful and soft. My giant male, Chewbacca, loves to snuggle and purr and rub all over me and raid my panty drawer when I’m not looking. Chewbacca is a large Tuxedo Kitler. He’s got the white vest and paws, and has a white “Hitler” mustache. He’s the most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen. Our little female, Yoda, is playful and perfectly cute. She’s all black, even her cute little kitty toes.

I just love cats, so much more than other animal species, and I have no real idea why, I just do. If something ever happens to my hubby, God forbid, I will most likely become the crazy cat lady.

psychocandy2's avatar

“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.”
– Jean Cocteau

YARNLADY's avatar

I like to see them bounce around and enjoy themselves. It’s pretty much the same reason I enjoy the squirrels outside my window, and horses frolicking in the field.

dabbler's avatar

They are fun to watch and fun to play with and can get along without you for a while just fine.
I haven’t lived with one for many years since I figured out how allergic I am to most of them.
But my sister counted 55 cats the family had had over the years, including a few litters.
There are some generic behaviors among cats but they sure are individuals too.

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