General Question

marinelife's avatar

How do I remove a spam "like" from Facebook?

Asked by marinelife (62485points) November 13th, 2010

This is a follow-up question. I had asked how to remove a “like” from Facebook. People said to click on the page and at the lower left-hand corner there there would be an “unlike” that I could click on.

Well, I did not give enough details, I guess. The page that appeared in my Likes was not something I had ever clicked on. I have two like this.

When I click on the page, I get sent to a page that says that Facebook users have reported adverse reactions to that page.

But I find it offensive, what it says.

Is there any way to get it off my profile?

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6 Answers

BarnacleBill's avatar

If you go to your page, under your name is a link for Edit My Profile
Left hand navigation> Likes and Interests
The first page is your tags by section. Each section has a “See More” and more tags appear that are associated with the interests that you chose for yourself. Find the tags, click on it to turn it blue, then hit delete.

At the bottom of the first page is a link to show other pages. Check that, too.

BarnacleBill's avatar

You might want to also check your flash cookies to see if the companies that are creating these like sites are storing stuff on your computer. Macromedia link

Cleaning out your browser cache takes care of cookies, but you also have to be aware of PIEs and hidden flash cookies.

marinelife's avatar

Thank you, @BarnacleBill! I found it and removed it.

Now, do I have to see if it’s cookies would still be there?

BarnacleBill's avatar

You’re probably going to want to go to the macromedia site, set your storage levels to zero and delete everything in that cache.

What in there is all the cookies that track your online activities. Kind of creepy.

perspicacious's avatar

Ask Facebook.

marinelife's avatar

@perspicacious I followed @BarnacleBill‘s directions, and they worked perfectly. Is Facebook very responsive?

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