General Question

Garebo's avatar

What's your antidote for procrastination?

Asked by Garebo (3190points) March 29th, 2011

Most my life I have charged into my weekend projects and “to do lists”, but now I am more apt to seek relaxation, travel and fun on my spare time.
Maybe, you know the symptoms;: gutters can go another year, same with the roof, ahh the oil change can go for 3500.
So, is it all just will power, resolve, or is it it make a list and get in a habit with it, love it, follow it. Or is it just plain ole classical conditioning; if I just do this, I will get this as my carrot or reward.
So, what has been successful for you in stopping this dreadful affliction?

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22 Answers

Berserker's avatar

The Repo Man Cometh.

faye's avatar

Little treats. I bribe myself to get things done.

yankeetooter's avatar

I’ll let you know a bit later…No, seriously, I don’t have one. I have a really good sense of how long I need to accomplish something, and I usually allow myself that amount of time plus a bit of leeway. I have to be truly motivated to not procrastinate on something.

gailcalled's avatar

Nothing like the memory of water leaking onto plaster walls and into finished basements (and the cost and aggro to fix the mess) to get me moving.

Nothing like the horror of what the dust and mud from 57 miles of dirt roads can do to my car if I don’t have the filters cleaned and the oil changed to send me to the mechanic’s.

A useful technique, I find, is to do a list of 8 -10 to-dos, starting with the most important ones. If I get to the top three, I congratulate myself and take a walk or tickle Milo.

dxs's avatar

This question has been asked so much, but I still never seem to find a good enough answer. I was searching for it here on Fluther the other day.
I am a BIG procrastinator and I really shouldn’t say this, but I procrastinate because I can put it off for tomorrow. That’s terrible, I know! I just feel like I have gotten too lethargic with work within the past few weeks.

Garebo's avatar

@gailcalled: nothing like the experience of horror to make one avoid more of it in the future.
we have flooding going on here now, friend at work has water damage, lots money; and the reason I was motivated to put gutters up 10 years age-wet basement.

gailcalled's avatar

@Garebo: Where is “up here”? The ground here (south of Albany in farm land) is so saturated, that the only place left for the melt-off to go is inside everyone’s house.

My rule of thumb is that if I put off doing something, will I then have three times more work? Not good. That is the only reason I don’t leave dishes in the sink for more than one meal.

Garebo's avatar

@gailcalled : I wish I would have married you,lol.

The land here northwest of metro Mpls, MInneSOTA is quite damp. The river not far from my house is reaching the pavement like it did several years ago. I think it will definitely surpass that this year if we get warm weather and a rain. Got to love that La NiƱa girl! She does kick the procrastination out the door.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I’ll find an answer for ya tomorrow. ; )

yankeetooter's avatar

Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off indefinitely…

Ladymia69's avatar


dazron's avatar

Have you looked into the Getting Things Done method?

It’s great.

Ladymia69's avatar

@dazron what’s that? The method where you peel your sticky ass off of the couch and do something?

…really, what is it?

Ladymia69's avatar

Mu husband just said the way to avoid procrastination is to only sign up for things you want to do.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ll let you know as soon as I get off Fluther.

laineybug's avatar

I just remember one of my favorite phrases: What is today, but yesterday’s tomorrow? I like it because A) it’s true, and B) It confuses the crap out of my friends. I also have to remember that there are consequences to putting things off.

6rant6's avatar

So let me juuuuuuust make sure I’ve got this right. You’re asking people on Fluther how to avoid procrastination.

Next we ask the Pope and the Kardashians how to live the simple life. Then we can ask Charlie Sheen to give us a lecture on loyalty. And then let’s check in on the Dali Lama for his live teleconference, “Winning! Duh!”

15barcam's avatar

any things that distract you, lock them away in a closet or something. (and give the key to a friend! )

Ladymia69's avatar

what if it is your brain?

Garebo's avatar

In regards to procrastination, there are articles in psychology today that says that self forgiveness plays an important role in reducing procrastination-how in the heck can that work!

filmfann's avatar

Actually, I think of Elvis. He had a little design of a lightning bolt on the sleeve of his jacket that said TCB FAL. Taking Care of Business Fast As Lightning.

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