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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Is Fluther really a happy place?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) July 6th, 2011

Inspired by this question I was wondering if I was seeing the same Fluther. One response was ”I think the main reason is because this particular site (as opposed to others) is set up in a way to attract smart, thoughful [sic] people who really want to help other people, and to try to do that in a friendly, consciencious [sic] manner.” I do not see it. The amount of fang bearing, beleaguering, and incivility that takes place, on so many threads, I am thinking there has to be something I missed, or that poster missed. Be it a thread about slutty dress being rape-bait, tattoos, anything spiritual, corporal punishment, and then some, the level of acrimony is almost unfathomable; it is so thick one would need a saw to slice through it, at times it seems there are no members who is immune. If there are so many smart and thoughtful people here who really want to help, why is it so hard for them to expand their minds to really accomplish that? Could they help more if they could logically weigh the issue(s) even if it is in disagreement with what they believe or at lease entertain the idea it might be probable if not possible? If people can answer and ask more from the logic and keep personal druthers to the back of it, Fluther would be a happy, friendly place.

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