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AshlynM's avatar

Anyone have any experience with

Asked by AshlynM (10684points) July 26th, 2011


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6 Answers

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intrepidium's avatar

I use it when I buy stuff online from various e-tailers although I’m using it less now that eBay is no longer one of their partners. If you sign up for their email notifications, you’d get additional points just by clicking through them although I found it tiresome after a while and filtered them all to my spam folder. Overall I find it a pretty passive and effortless way to earn points over the years and have since redeemed over $200 worth of reward and gift cards etc. it does take a while but then again I’m not a big shopper in the 1st place.

I’ve also used Mr Rebates and eBates very occasionally in the past but have not bothered to compare which offers better bang for bucks…

Cupcake's avatar

I’ve used it, got a gift card in the mail, gave it to my teenager, haven’t used it since.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes, I use it almost weekly. To date, I’ve gotten over 90K in points and about $600 in gift cards. I use the Internet for all of my homeschooling, most of my housekeeping, many of my clothing, and some of my grocery needs. Using a site like MyPoints helps me make the most of it.

I’ve used the cards for myself, and I usually have a few extra in my desk drawer that I keep for b-day gifts.

Every year Mypoints sends me a free $10 gift card usually Target or Starbucks during the holidays. All of this extra “cash” for nothing more than me clicking on their site first. Hooray!

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