General Question

smilingheart1's avatar

Who could this female vocalist be?

Asked by smilingheart1 (6439points) December 26th, 2011

I like the voice and music of a contemporary “raspy” voiced female singer whose songs are more about love and compassion generally speaking than in a lover’s context, at least the ones I have heard snippets of. This is not a big help but she is a popular recording artist. Might you have an idea who she is?

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16 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Janis Joplin??

whitetigress's avatar

Leslie Feist sometimes sings raspy. Perhaps

whitetigress's avatar

NVM not nearly as raspy as the others. MACY GRAY? Perhaps? MACY GRAY

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I 2nd Macy Gray.

smilingheart1's avatar

Thank you everybody, we may be getting a bit closer to the bullseye or a bit closer in clues. Did one of the artists you have listed, have a song that included lyrics about windows and doors? Thank you for your patience and help!

JLeslie's avatar

I was going to say Adele also. My husband loves her music. Her whole Album/CD is good.

Jaltcoh's avatar

Lenka is a current recording artist (from Australia and probably best known in that country), with a song called You Will Be Mine that mentions windows and doors. Her song Knock Knock mentions doors. I wouldn’t call her voice raspy, though.

KT Tunstall is a popular recording artist with a very raspy voice. Her song Glamour Puss mentions a window.

Imogen Heap has a raspy voice. She does guest vocals on Meantime — mentions a door. She has a very popular song called Hide and Seek — doesn’t mention windows or doors, but seems to be describing objects in a room, including walls. She used to be the singer for Frou Frou, which had a song called Shh which mentions a door (“pull that door shut quietly”).

Jackie DeShannon had a song from the ‘60s called Windows and Doors. So, that’s obviously not current, though she’s still releasing albums.

BosM's avatar

Shakira has a raspy voice and sings a song called “Eyes Like Yours”. Below are some lyrics, that mention “windows and doors”. Not sure if this is who you are looking for.
”...Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours…”

Mtrencher's avatar

Most definatly Shakira or Adele.

smilingheart1's avatar

Well you are for me a lurvely bunch of people… Thank you all for your help! You have introduced me to even more great female “raspies” than I ever could have imagined were out there. I had a couple of songsters intertwined in my mind. I have lots to explore now and there are some very fetching possibilities to narrow it right down.

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