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courtneyxcupxakes's avatar

I work at a movie theatre and I get paid in cash every night. Is that odd?

Asked by courtneyxcupxakes (33points) June 12th, 2008 from iPhone

I know lots of people that have worked in theatres and they fit checks and were paid min wage. We get paid per show in cash each night.

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29 Answers

jlm11f's avatar

what exactly do you do? concession? tickets? etc.

jrpowell's avatar

I worked at one and they paid us with a check every two weeks. It sounds like you are working under-the-table. They (and you) probably aren’t paying taxes and that is illegal if you are in the United States.

jrpowell's avatar

Is it for a major chain (like Regal) or a small independent theater? And are you in the United States?

courtneyxcupxakes's avatar

Small chain. My boss owns one other place. And yes I’m in the US.

jlm11f's avatar

Okay that’s definitely shady. John is right, if you are living in USA, that way of payment is illegal because the owner is not paying taxes for his business and nor will you. If you are being paid well, I would keep the job (okay, seriously, who doesn’t love getting paid under the table?) but that’s really a grey moral area. That said, you won’t be part of a union or anything and if you are mistreated at work or something, you don’t have anyone fighting for you.

courtneyxcupxakes's avatar

I always thought it was kind of odd. I’ve worked here for almost a year now. I love my job though. Its super easy and has very flexible hours. All of us they work Here (minus the managers) are teenagers in school or just graduated. As far as pay goes its good but we don’t work a whole lot so I don’t make too much. Just enough to pay my phone bill and buy gas. We get free movies and concessions too! I’ll be quitting soon as I move to college. Then I’ll end up getting a real job (with taxes and all)

jrpowell's avatar

Be prepared. If this guy gets caught you might be liable for all back taxes owed. I would probably keep the job since you will be gone soon. But, just be aware that there is a real risk in this situation.

If one pissed of employee calls the IRS you are screwed. And I would suggest using the contact link to ask to have this question removed.

eambos's avatar

Because we all know that Fluther is a front for the CIA…

Don’t want them going to the IRS.

jlm11f's avatar

@ eambos – the IRS has employees devoted to checking the web to see if their name comes up anywhere, to monitor discussions related to them etc. They can very well see this and want to catch someone who has herself declared that she is working under the table. So yes, better safe than sorry.

jrpowell's avatar

If I wanted to I could probably find out where she worked in about 30 minutes. You never know who is reading this and pissed off that she isn’t paying taxes.

courtneyxcupxakes's avatar

Well I’m glad to know someones out to get me?

jrpowell's avatar

I’m just saying that there is a very real possibility that with the info you provided someone could find out where you work. And some people might dislike that your boss isn’t paying taxes. I am not that person. I just want you to be aware that it is doable and you should take steps to protect yourself.

If you want info about how I could find out where you work send me a comment.

courtneyxcupxakes's avatar

I understand. I don’t doubt you could find out just about anything about me. The Internet is scary like that. But thanks for the heads up. I thought maybe some places could pay employees like that if they didnt make a whole lot.

iJimmy's avatar

Just because you get paid in cash does not neccasarily mean your boss is not submitting it to the IRS. But it probably means he is not taking anything out. Which means if he is submitting it, you should be prepared to pay at the end of the year.

Did you get a W2 for last year?
Did you ever give him you SS#?

courtneyxcupxakes's avatar

I didnt fill out a w2 for this job but I have at other jobs. And no they don’t know my social.

richardhenry's avatar

In the UK, when your employer pays you they will hand you a pay slip with a three letter tax code printed on it. If you do not receive a pay slip or your pay slip does not have a tax code, the income you are receiving has not been taxed.

In addition, it is illegal for your employer to not hand you a document with the amount you have been paid, the amount you have paid tax, and your current tax code on it as they pay you. Provided you have been supplied this information, you can be paid in cash, by cheque, bank transfer or carrier pigeon.

If you receive pay without a pay slip and tax code, you are being negligent for not following up the matter and will be required to pay unpaid tax to date. However, the Inland Revenue rarely follow up small claims with young people.

If your employer has been falsifying pay slips with tax codes, then you are in the clear because they have been committing fraud.

richardhenry's avatar

@iJimmy: Good point. If social security numbers work anything like national insurance numbers over here, and PnL didn’t give it to her employer when she started work, then she certainly isn’t paying tax.

jlm11f's avatar

heyyyy. PnL pays her taxes (if you are listening IRS, i swear i do!), surely you are talking about courtney. and yes, if there isn’t a W2 and the manager never asked for the SS#, the job is definitely under the table.

IRS's avatar

I am listening.

jlm11f's avatar

that’s not creepy at all

iJimmy's avatar

If they don’t have your SS# then they are not reporting it.

And there is a minimum amount before you have to report it. But it is very low. Like $600/yr I believe.

iJimmy's avatar

No Lurve for the IRS?

richardhenry's avatar

@iJimmy: Are you surprised? All they do is take your money.

jlm11f's avatar

i want to know who took the trouble to make an “IRS” account. Fess up !

richardhenry's avatar

It wasn’t me

iJimmy's avatar

@richardhenry: No, not surprised, just trying to draw attention to the obvious.

jrpowell's avatar

That might be the funniest thing I have ever seen here. Well played IRS.

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