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occ's avatar

What is the best backyard water sprinkler for kids to play in?

Asked by occ (4176points) June 1st, 2013 from iPhone

I want to buy a present for my friends who have two kids. I think they’d love a sprinkler to play with in the yard during hot summer days. As a city dweller I’ve never had a back yard, much less a sprinkler. Anyone have a recommendation for one that I could buy on amazon that would be fun for kids? Doesn’t have to be designed for kids or have a kid theme.

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9 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

They love to run into the spray and stand or sit on the sprinkler, so I suggest you get on that lies flat on the ground.

jaytkay's avatar


The rotary kind are fun because you can’t avoid it, you have to run straight in and everybody gets soaked. Yay!

With the linear type you have to be sneaky and quick to run through the dry tunnel.

Either way, let the kids set it up and concoct games around getting wet or staying dry.

dxs's avatar

I recommend one of these ones (jumping child not included).

PhiNotPi's avatar

I used to like to play with the type of sprinkler that spins around as it sprays water

woodcutter's avatar

Get one from Harbor Freight or get 3. Kids will find a way to tear things up even if you try to make it hard for them to do it.

Blueroses's avatar

I just bought a couple exactly like this from Ace Hardware.

They are absolutely silent and so easy to adjust the spray pattern. Hell, after a day of yardwork, I had fun running through the sprinklers!

YARNLADY's avatar

@Blueroses That would be very dangerous for my two. They would pull it up and play swords with it.

I bought a splitter for the nozzle and two cheap hoses with trigger nozzles. They enjoy squirting each other.

Blueroses's avatar

I kind of see your point @YARNLADY but when I was a kid, everything was a sword or a gun. Unless you find a Nerf sprinkler, they could probably use it as a mace as well.

Just monitor their play, for heaven’s sake. You’ll never protect them from everything sharp.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Blueroses Yes, you are correct. I try to minimize the dangers, but yesterday, for instance the younger one was playing kick ball and slipped off the ball right into the rosebushes. Ouch!!

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