Social Question

rockfan's avatar

What's the most bizarre/unlikely coincidence that has happened to you lately?

Asked by rockfan (14627points) May 21st, 2014

I went on a cruise with my best friend, along with some other friends. He came out of the closet the day before. As the ship left the port, we saw graffiti along the barge that said “Joe is gay”.

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4 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

There was a recent discussion on FB of the rose-breasted grossbeak. Less than 24 hours later I heard him caroling in a birch tree in my back yard and then got a clear view in my binoculars…a confirmed sighting and my first of the season.

Juels's avatar

My sister and cousin both had their babies on the same day last week. My sister was 4 weeks early and had a boy. He weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz. and was born on 5/15. My cousin was 6 weeks early and had 2 boys.

PriceisRightx26's avatar

I’m 10,000 miles away from home (US to Australia) and I ran into 3 people that I know at a shopping center yesterday.

You know how “they” say something along the lines of “don’t look like shit when you leave your house, cause you’re guaranteed to see someone you know?” Yeah, apparently you aren’t even safe from that rule on the opposite side of the planet.

Strauss's avatar

It was not recently, but many years ago, I was playing music on a street corner in New Orleans. I overheard a passing woman remark to her husband, “That guy looks just like my cousin!” I then realized that the woman was indeed my cousin, and I called out to her, “Hey, I am your cousin!”

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