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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think that a reprimand from a total stranger makes a bigger impression than a reprimand from Mom or Dad?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46993points) November 8th, 2014

We went to the grocery store. As we were walking in two shopping carts came flying around the corner. Each was pushed by an older kid, 10 or 12, and each cart had a much smaller kid in the seat. Rick thought they were going to go through the window. Instead the first kid hit the metal of the door frame really hard. No adult in sight.
I snapped out, in my best military, no non-sense, teacher voice, “You kids knock that off, RIGHT now!” It caused the second kid to come to a screeching halt.
It flustered them really badly and they couldn’t wait to get the little kids out and get away, but did it make any kind of lasting impression?

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