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EatMyLurve's avatar

What age do teens usually start getting body odor, and what causes it?

Asked by EatMyLurve (5points) July 11th, 2008 from iPhone

I’m 19 years old now and I’m starting to have body odor, and I hate it. Is there any way (other than just deodorant) to get rid of it?

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17 Answers

jlm11f's avatar

showering and deodorant have always worked for me.

are you having odor even after doing those things?

EatMyLurve's avatar

Yea, even if I don’t sweat.

jlm11f's avatar

Could you please reveal your gender to help answer the Q?

tinyfaery's avatar

Drink more water.

EatMyLurve's avatar

Yea, I’m a dude.

EatMyLurve's avatar

tinyfaery, how does drinking water help?

tinyfaery's avatar

Water cleanses the body. It help your organs flush out toxins. Now, I am not a doctor, and maybe shilolo will come and say I’m completely wrong, but (I think) your body secretes these same toxins through sweat glands. Less toxins, less odor. Well, at least that’s what my hippy, organic, alternative medicine friends tell me. :)

EatMyLurve's avatar

that sounds legit. Thanks.

EatMyLurve's avatar

Oh and thanks PnL

jlm11f's avatar

typically, people with odor problems practice bad hygiene. none of what i say is to offend you so if you already do all of this, forgive me! are you showering right and long enough? do you use some sort of body wash instead of just stepping in and out? do you shower after playing sports and sweating? do you wear clean, laundered clothes and not something you found on the floor? drinking too much caffeine also makes you smell. also, (this is more rare and probably not the case) but having a zinc deficiency can cause BO.

so my suggestion would be to shower more (and more complete), use deo’s with zinc and/or aluminium in them. you can also apply a little boric acid to places where you smell right after showering. boric acid kills bacteria (which are what cause the bad odor). and water can never harm you, so that sounds like a plausible idea too! Hope you are BO free soon!

EatMyLurve's avatar

Ok thanks! I practice good hygiene and everything by wearing new clothes all the time and everything else, but I think it may be my diet, but you tOtAlLy helped!!!!!

ebenezer's avatar

this all sounds bogus. I have never met or come across a stinky person that did not have a fairly obvious source. But I have been wrong before…

gailcalled's avatar

The deoderant business is huge for a good reason. The body has some nice natural smells that most of us have been conditioned to find repellent. New sweat smells nice, I think. I had a bf in HS who was a basketball player. He smelled delicious just off the court.

It is old, dried sweat on clothes that smells bad.

Non-meat eaters say that carnivores have a bad smell. Some cultures find minty fresh breath disgusting. And I have been both attracted and repelled by guys’ normal body odor. And certain parts of the body are supposed to smell…(the call of the wild.”

No one should be odorless or smell like air freshener, remember. Have a close friend do a sniff test on you.

TheHaight's avatar

I agree with ebenezer. You’re 19 and asking this question? But I could be wrong…

jlm11f's avatar

@ everyone – eatmylurve is zack. right after this question, he posted one of his other typical zack-like questions. i am guessing this ID has been banned by now.

TheHaight's avatar

wow! I knew I had a bad feeling about him. Thanks for clarifying, PnL.

gailcalled's avatar

With all that creative energy, he could have written the great pretty-good American novel by now. What a waste.

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