General Question

SuperMouse's avatar

Is Wii Fit worth it?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) July 19th, 2008

I am debating about picking up Wii Fit to help get into better shape. If you have it do you like it? Would you recommend it?

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6 Answers

berocky1's avatar

yes. I love mine I got it today! It’s really

stevenb's avatar

I like it, but I am a big ol kid. I have fun with it. My wife hasn’t used it much yet though. It is good in that you can learn yoga moves and excercise moves. I think if you actually use it you can see real benefits, but it all depends on how much you will put into it. It won’t wake you up and make you get out of bed, but it will offer support and encouragement. It can be a bit mean too, but in a lighthearted way. Good luck!

TheHaight's avatar

I got it the first day it came out and I like it. :) I recommend it to all ages.

philiprowell's avatar

yes, buy one immediately.

SuppRatings's avatar

Wii fit, and anything for that matter, will work great for weight loss and general health as long as it gets your heart rate up adequately for an extended period of time, promotes coordination, and some strength training. The Wii Fit can definitely do this, but in my opinion is not the best option, but not a terrible option either.

I think it would be a good stepping stone in that it gets you use to moving 5 days a week for 30–45 minutes. Once you are conditioned by it, you could get into running, cycling, weight training etc if you like as it is more beneficial. Don’t get me wrong though, the Wii Fit is still good.

wfc86's avatar

I’ve never seen anyone get results from it. If you want to get in shape (either lose weight or add muscle,) start lifting weights. Even if you’re a girl, lifting weights won’t make you “bulk up.” Check this out for more info.

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