General Question

SuperMouse's avatar

World of Warcraft question...

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) July 31st, 2008

I have been asked to sell two World of Warcraft games for PC on ebay. I put them up and two people have asked me if the “key code” has been used. I’m guessing that is how one who purchases the game can play online. If the code has been used, can the purchaser of the games buy online game play time, or are these discs basically worthless?

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3 Answers

shockvalue's avatar

I think they can be used up to three times. I could be wrong though.

StellarAirman's avatar

If the CD keys have been used, then the discs are worthless. In order to create a new account you have to enter a unique CD key. So unless they already have a WoW account and just want the discs again to re-install the game or something, you should not try to sell the discs. They would be able to install the game with them, but not create an account, which would keep them from creating characters, and from seeing any part of the game other than the login screen.

rsunset327's avatar

If used, they are totally worthless. Sorry.

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