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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you like to share something that was memorable about a wedding?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46993points) February 27th, 2017

Can be your wedding or someone elses.
It funny, sad, awe inspiring, anything as long as it was memorable.

When Rick and I got married, after 4 years of living together, it was on short notice. We set the date for just two weeks away. We got married out at the lake.
I really kind of wanted an arch, and I thought my guys could put something together for me, but there just wasn’t enough time so I nixed it.
The day of the wedding my son, who was 17 at the time, and Rick went out to the location to get everything ready while I stayed at home to get ready.
So I ride up in a white Bronco driven by my son. He gets out and escorted me to the “alter” beside Rick. Then he stepped aside.
It took me a moment to realize…I was standing under an arch! My dear son had just busted his butt pulling these thick, pretty vines down off of the trees and creating an arch. To hold it up right he climbed out on the branch of a tree carrying one of the vines and tied it to the tree, then went down and tied the other end to the arch.
When I realized what he had done I looked at him, my eyes filling with tears. He just smiled back gently. Sigh. I’m really glad I was nice to my kids when they were growing up.

There was only one problem…the vines were poison ivy! I guess my baby swelled up so badly by the next day he had to go to the ER.
I got a little poison ivy too. Everybody there did!


My father is deceased. When the pastor asked, “Who gives this women to be this man’s wife,” my son stepped up and said, “On behalf of her father, Alfred Joseph, I do.” It was obvious he had rehearsed it. It was so touching.

I have the best son in the universe.

My son. He wore the hat in honor of my dad, too. Dad collected hats.

Greedy Groom Toast

Rick and I clean up good, for grease monkeys I got the dress for $3 at a garage sale.

The arch

Our honeymoon hideaway

Honeymoon boat

View from Honeymoon hideaway

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