General Question

judochop's avatar

How soon can I return to working out after being sick?

Asked by judochop (16119points) October 6th, 2008

I might still be a little sick. I’ve had some strange viral strep infection that has left me with fever for 7 days and just the general blahs. I want to return to working out ASAP so I can feel energy once again. How long till after the fever is gone should I wait to return to exercise?

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2 Answers

greeeengloves's avatar

I would just go with how you feel. Start small and work your way back to your regular ruitine.

beverleybrooke's avatar

I think it depends on the kind of workout you do. Your name suggests you are a martial arts fan – are there stances you can practice? Stretching exercises? Why not start with those and work up from there?

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