General Question

lbus1229's avatar

How do I get my Dog to stop licking everything?

Asked by lbus1229 (338points) November 10th, 2008
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11 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Remove his tongue.

skabeep's avatar

My lab puppies lick non-stop too! They will learn anything else very fast but they don’t seem to understand that I don’t like being licked…by dogs

jsc3791's avatar

What types of things does your dog lick?

They do make topical solutions that can be applied to whatever object he is licking.

Also, basic training techniques sometimes can work. For example, as soon as he begins to lick something inappropriately, tell him no, just as you would any other unwanted behavior. Then praise him for doing the right thing and stopping.

@skabeep: a tip I have heard to get dogs to stop licking YOU is to squeal or yelp as if in pain when they begin to lick you. Your dog will learn to stop licking because he does not wish to hurt you. This is a behavior they learn in their litters as puppies.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

i like doggy licks :D

Magnus's avatar

Smear everyhing with something that sting, but don’t touch the good liquor.

AstroChuck's avatar


judochop's avatar

Sandpaper jeans and sour apple chap stick.

aisyna's avatar

Bitter Apple my dogs licks his feet all the time so we spray that on his paws and he stops licking, my aunts dog also sprayed it on her door because her dog wouldnt stop licking the door. it isnt harmful to the dog and just tastes really nasty.

MacBean's avatar

asmonet took my answer. It’s hard to be a smartass around here; someone’s almost always a bit quicker.

ckinyc's avatar

Lick him back and see how he likes it!

greylady's avatar

Excessive licking is not a good thing. It can be the symptom of several medical or psychological reasons, but the sooner you get it under control, the better it is for the dog and for you (and your guests).

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