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sillymichelleyoung's avatar

Did you drop out of high school? What are you doing now? (Story Time ^_^)

Asked by sillymichelleyoung (217points) November 23rd, 2008

I was looking up things on the web where I encountered this site with an interesting question: I was certainly happy to hear of other students in the same situation as me and I want to hear stories from other people.

I actually find it unfortunate for the students who believe that they can not go to college because they “do not have a high school diploma/GED.” There IS a way, it’s just no one talks about it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that dropping out of high school is the right thing to do (Be cool, stay in school kiddies), but there is another way for those who did drop out of high school or even did poorly in high school. However, many students believe that there is not way when there is.

I also found this article online that talks about this situation:

I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, so why not share your story to help encourage others that there is a way out? :)

Feel free to message me anytime about anything that deals with similar topics. I’ll be happy to help. :) Or you can email me:

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29 Answers

JoeyDesignsStuff's avatar

A friend of mine dropped out of high school and got his GED before he would’ve graduated. His plans have nothing to do with the elementary subjects taught in high school, so he figured it wasn’t worth waiting to get a real education.

If I didn’t think my entire family would look down on me for doing so, I’d have done the same thing. If you know where you’re going, why wait for someone else to tell you when you can go?

But definitely get at least a GED if you’re going that route; never know when you might need to fall back and flip some burgers for a while.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar


Actually, I’m in community college without my GED right now. So there’s a good chance that when I transfer to a 4-year university that I won’t have it; then again, I might get it. Who knows.

But thanks for replying! :)

skabeep's avatar

I was kicked out in 11th grade for smoking a blunt at school. I got my GED and worked at resteraunts for 7 years. Now I’m in college and I have a really good job in the chemistry lab at a hospital even tho I’m not entirely qualified for it. So I guess things are working out

Judi's avatar

In my sophomore year I dropped out and attended a High School Completion Program. I actually graduated before my class. I tried to go to college and was really ill equipped. I was smart, but I didn’t have any positive study habits.
I have taken several courses over the years and I am no a real estate broker, although I am semi retired. I (along with my husband) have invested in real estate and as long as I hold on to it I’m doing alright. We have apartments with a low mortgage and cash flow.
Do I wish I would have stayed in High School? Sure, but I realize that socially it would have been impossible for me. I would probably either be dead or a raging pot head if I would have stayed in that environment. I left before crack made it big! Boy do I feel lucky. I probably would have liked it and it ended up killing my little brother. It would have been close to impossible to “change my crowd” and stay in the same high school, or probably even in the same city. It took me years to convince myself I was no longer a “stoner” and feel normal around those who never did drugs.
The song hotel California was just out then, and it haunted me for years. Now I hear it and say “HA!”

augustlan's avatar

I was already employed as a secretary when I dropped out. I pretty much continued in that vein, gathering more skills with each job. My career consisted of administrative/accounting jobs with ever increasing responsibility. Being an office manager was certainly not my dream job, but it worked out okay. I have been a stay-at-home mom for 14 years.

I don’t regret having dropped out, but I do regret that I never got my GED or went to college.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@ Augustian

you know it’s never too late :)

augustlan's avatar

At 41 years old I have no desire for a degree, but I’d love to take classes that interest me someday. Just for knowledge and growth.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

That’s great! :) There are actually some stay-at-home moms in some of my classes that are taking it for fun and they really seem to enjoy it. ^_^

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

My daughter didn’t finish high school. She’s 22 and in her second year of grad school.

galileogirl's avatar

Actually I used to tell students who are not able to complete high school and were aging out that they could go to community college. We followed up on our students and unfortunately 90% of students who did not complete high school also did not complete community college in the next 5 years either.

Before anyone jumps in to say well they did…they are the EXCEPTION not the RULE. If you don’t have the skills and discipline to graduate from high school, you will not have them to do well in college with less support. It takes a complete personal transformation to overcome those shortcomings.

Things are even worse here in California for students who want to go on to higher education. A few years ago they changed the rules for entry into the state universities. Before any student who graduated from high school could be admitted. That changed to a 3.0 GPA and the rest would be automatically admitted with an AA from community college. Of course that severely impacted community college, making it almost impossible to complete in 3 (instead of 2) years. Now we are hearing they are reducing admissions to 4 year schools by at least 10,000 in the fall. Those students will have to go to community college making those schools even more difficult. We are also hearing there will be admission requirements, including math and writing tests for community college.

This may mean for dropouts that they will have to go to private adult schools in order to get into public community colleges and then into 4 year schools.

galileogirl's avatar

Also not finishing high school because you jump ahead to college is not the same as not finishing high school because you cut classes and cannot read and write well enough to graduate.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock, may I ask what she is studying?

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@ galileogirl: I understand that some students are not suitable for this route; however, this route is good for some students. This just depends on the student. If the student is willing to work hard and graduate college without a high school background, then he/she will do it; however, if the student is not willing, then it was not worth it for the student.

When I applied to a community college, I had to take an assessment test to see if I placed in college level classes. I passed out of all of the math classes, but not the english. Therefore, I took those classes and continued my education. So some community colleges already have these assessment tests (at least here in NJ).

“If you don’t have the skills and discipline to graduate from high school, you will not have them to do well in college with less support. It takes a complete personal transformation to overcome those shortcomings.”

I agree with the statement above. It just depends on the student.

Thanks for responding! :)

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Sillymichaelyoung—She has a fine arts degree with a poly sci minor, working on a masters in architectural history. She was accepted to two law schools at age 19, but decided that wasn’t for her. She did dual enrollment at the local university her first semester of her senior year, and just didn’t go back to high school after christmas. She did finish up through online classes, but never really completed the requirements for a degree.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@AlfredaPrufrock, That’s great to hear! Tell her, “Good luck with everything.”

galileogirl's avatar

michelle: My point is because of the cuts to education here in California, those remedial classes you took will not be available. Also community colleges here used to have a lot of programs for noncollege careers and those are being reduced.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@galileogirl, Oh! I’m sorry for reading your response incorrectly. That’s a shame, but I guess that’s life.

asmonet's avatar

I was kicked out because I was bedridden for 15 days, I had notes for every day but because I was over 18 and had a poor attendance record in the past they used me as an example to the other kids, they even said it to my face. And they kicked me out while I was collecting make-up work and extra credit to boot.

As of yesterday, I earned my GED and will be enrolling as a full-time student for the spring or in January. Depending on the college I choose of course. :D

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@asmonet, Congratulations on your GED!!! :)

Any ideas on what you want to study?!

asmonet's avatar

Thanks! :D

:D :D :D

psst, 99th percentile as compared to graduating high school seniors. i know, im obnoxious. but c’mon!!

Paleoanthropology, and if I can swing the workload, a minor in astronomy or something in that vein. I want to eventually acquire a double doctorate so I can make everyone call me Doctor Doctor. :D

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

@asmonet, ahaha. I love the ending to your previous response. ;]

asmonet's avatar

Heh, wouldn’t that be fantastic? It’d be like making your friends call you Caesar or Your Highness. I can’t wait.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

Hahaha. xP I’m glad you’re enthusiastic about continuing your education and depending on what college you go to, the workload won’t be “impossible” as many students will put it. Just make sure you don’t party too much and work hard. ;]

jessturtle23's avatar

My boyfriend just got his GED at 26 years old last year. He made great grades in school, was loved by his teachers, was in advanced classes and gifted but hated going to school. He is training for a really great job right now making about three times what I will make with a degree. He didn’t like school and dropped out but he is also a really hard worker. If you drop out and then you are a lazy ass then life is a bit harder.

Judi's avatar

My son just got his GED and he is now going to MI . He’s going to be a rock star. ;-)

augustlan's avatar

Feeling the pressure…may have to get my GED, now!

Judi's avatar

My mom and dad were working on their High School Completion program when I was in school. My mom got straight A’s. My dad died before he could finish.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

jessturtle23 – Congrats to your boyfriend! It’s a good thing he is a hard worker :)

Judi – Congrats to your son! He must be excited. :) & I’m sorry to hear about your dad, but at least both of them worked for it! You must be very proud of them.

augustlan – Like I said, it’s never too late. ;]

scamp's avatar

I got my GED and entered college when I was 35. My parents pulled me out of school because I partied too much, and they thought staying home would settle me down. It was a huge mistake on their part, but they were trying to do what they thought was best for me.

I now work in a huge bio-medical testing lab.

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