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SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Does anyone else find it funny the Illinois governor was arrested the day after he suspended state government interaction with Bank of America?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10007points) December 18th, 2008

Im not saying that he wasnt involved in corruption, but I am a true believer that banks and corporations run this country, and anytime someone tries to fight them, they get brought down by a scandal or death.(Abe Lincoln, JFK, Spitzer,etc.)

Blago says he cant wait to tell his story. Im interested in hearing what he has to say. Anyone care to share their thoughts on this? Do you think his move made them bust him when they did? Do you think certain organizations hold information until it benefits them?

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1 Answer

charliecompany34's avatar

timing is everything. the FED was actually trying to step in before he made a senate seat replacement.

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