General Question

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I live in a larger house; what should I say when one of my friends comments on it?

Asked by toomuchcoffee911 (6928points) March 3rd, 2009

Sometimes when a friend sees my house for the first time they’re like “Whoa! Your house is really big!” or something like that. I feel kind of awkward when that happens because I don’t really know how to respond. If I agree, I’ll look stuck up, But if I disagree, I’ll look kind of ignorant. Right now I just sort of smile and give a small grunt.

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18 Answers

eambos's avatar

When that happens to me i don’t know what to do either. I shrug it off with a little “I guess so,” or i say “Thank You.”

You’ll only look stuck up if you say “Of course it’s big, peasant!”

steve6's avatar

Just tell them you married for money.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@steve6 that could work… but I’m not married.

steve6's avatar

I was just kidding. If you’re worried about what people think why did you just announce it to the world?

Ashpea9288's avatar

@Eambos I dunno, there’s ways he could look stuck up by agreeing…like if he said “Yeah, it’s awesome!”, that might be a little insensitive :P

I think saying “thanks,” and smiling, would be fine. By just grunting they might think you’re not comfortable about your own house and that could make things a tad awkward :P

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@steve6 I’m sorry, I needed advice… sniffle

mcbealer's avatar

I’m in the same position. I just smile, and thank them. Depending on who it is, sometimes I’ll give them a “tour” so they can see the different living spaces, and how it’s all a work in progress.

steve6's avatar

Tell them it’s an investment.

casheroo's avatar

I would just reply with a humble thank you.

Jeruba's avatar

It is just an observation, not necessarily a compliment (although it could be). All you have to do is acknowledge and agree: “Yes, it is.”

jlm11f's avatar

Say “Yep. Let’s make use of it by playing some Laser Tag!” Best way to deflect such comments is by replying with a joke. I also agree with @casheroo.

juniper's avatar

I’m with @casheroo: A simple, gracious “thank you” is always appropriate.

Ashpea9288's avatar

Also, if you really feel uncomfortable about simply saying “yes, thank you,” you could also find something to criticize about it…like “yeah, thanks, it’s a bitch to clean though!”

tiffyandthewall's avatar

just like, shrug or smile and thank them i guess. or, like ashpea said, a silly retort could always work. (:
they probably don’t mean it to make you feel weird.

skfinkel's avatar

How’s, “Thank you, it’s perfect for my family. And we love it here.”

gailcalled's avatar

Larger than whose? If there are many houses larger than yours (Aaron Spelling’s, for instance, was 56,500 sq.feet), you can consider your house the mama bear’s. There will be homes for baby and papa bears, someone living in Ludwig the Mad’s castle in Bavaria and a poor guy on the curb or in a cardboard box. (I loved skfinkel’s mama bear house.)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@gailcalled in comparison to the rest of the houses in our neighborhood.

onesecondregrets's avatar

Whatever you do, be modest.

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