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xgunther's avatar

what's the deal with Cuban cigars?

Asked by xgunther (449points) November 16th, 2007 from iPhone

Why are they worth so much?

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4 Answers

kevbo's avatar

Speaking as a semi-knowledgeable consumer, a large part has to do with the fact that Cuba’s climate functions as a humidor. So from growing the leaf to picking it to rolling the cigar, the tobacco is always in relatively ideal conditions. To a lesser extent the industrial tradition (e.g. multiple generations of hand rollers), and then there’s the pedigree factor much like French wine has been perceived to be of higher quality. I will say that the Cubans I have tried are far and away better than anything else I’ve had, and that I’ll gladly pay double for a Cuban given the choice.

robhaya's avatar

I agree with Kevbo, a lot has to do with the quality of the craftsmanship of Cuban cigars. Hands down they are the best, compared to any other country (Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, etc.). Another factor is that the Cuban grown tobacco has its own distinct aroma and characteristics that can’t be duplicated. But I also think, the fact that you cannot purchase them legally in United States also makes them more expensive.


Spargett's avatar

From what I’ve experience, “greener grasses”. In the metaphorical sense, not the literal. The thrill of smoking an illegal cigar mostly, that you have something most people don’t. All this generally creates a nice placebo effect.

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