General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

Are you worried about the Conficker virus?

Asked by YARNLADY (46470points) March 31st, 2009

Did you know you can check here for help:

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7 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Not particularly worried, I do regular scans and I don’t open things that could potentially screw me over. That said, I downloaded some of the stuff of and am running a system check now, just to be sure.

EDIT: Scans done. Clean!

intro24's avatar

I hope it used for something more than spam. Not in a malicious way but if you create a virus that has people talking about it and you release it on April Fool’s Day I would hope it has a little harmless creativety in it. That’s what I’d do anyway.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Not at all. I knew I bought a Mac for a reason :).

RedPowerLady's avatar

I was at first. Then I called my little brother. He is a computer genius. He told us not to worry about it, that’s it’s no big deal, and that if something did happen he’d fix it. I guess I’m lucky to have a back up plan.

BTW I liked the link you gave. MUCH better than the ones I found while searching the web before I broke down and decided to call lil bro.

Trustinglife's avatar

Just downloaded the Microsoft update that is recommended to stave off Conficker. Thanks y’all!

TheBox193's avatar

Update for everyone.
Nothing really was suppose to happen on April 1st. Except that conficker was starting (it will take a couple months for every computer to update) to the new version “C” to “D”.
So far, Conficker doesn’t really do anything except update, block security websites, open up doors for itself, copy itself ot other computers and disable protection software
The question is what will Conficker do?
There are theories that the guy is building a huge computer “bot-network” in which he can command Millions of computers to do his bidding. maybe hack the government, send spam, steal millions of financial records, phishing scams who knows…
So right now there is nothing to be terribly worried about… except getting it off your computer if you have it. (have fun if you are on D already Heh..)
Here are some tools for removal and scanning (scroll to ”What should I do? How do I know if I have it? How do I remove it?”):

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