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wundayatta's avatar

Do you feel more creative when you are in love?

Asked by wundayatta (58722points) October 14th, 2009

In a recent question I asked about the relationship between sexual energy and creativity. This question is about love and creativity. Usually, I believe, people feel the “in love” feeling the strongest at the beginning of a relationship. Some other people say they can keep it at a steady level, and that may be true for them. I’ve never experienced that.

I have found that when I’m in love, I seem to have much more energy and I feel better about myself, and this allows me to take more risks and accomplish more. This makes love a little addicting. Maybe more than a little ;-)

Do you feel more creative when you are in love? If so, what specific changes have you noticed in your life when you are in love? What are the concrete effects this enhanced creativity has resulted in? Why do you think this relationship exists (or doesn’t exist, as may be the case)?

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19 Answers

casheroo's avatar

Actually, thinking about it…no. I think I’m much less creative. I don’t know what to think about that.

CMaz's avatar

Creativity and love go hand and hand for me. Creativity is a necessary part of sex, but more forgiving and intense, no matter what you end up doing, when love is involved.

zephyr826's avatar

I agree with you, @daloon , I also get that love high that allows me to try new things and be more adventurous. Sometimes this works out well (I’m more inventive with the ways I teach my students) and sometimes not so well (I’m more inventive with the ways I cook pork coffee maker, anyone?~). Regardless, it’s an exciting time.

MacBean's avatar

I’m with @casheroo on this one. Romantic relationships sap my creativity.

MissAnthrope's avatar

When I’m really, truly in love, my creativity goes through the roof. Like you said, it energizes me, plus I have loads of emotions to express and Lord knows I am no so good with words when it comes to expressing my emotions.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Being in love helps me with life, yes but not with creativity
in that it doesn’t negatively or positively affect it

nisse's avatar

When i’m in love my concentration and creativity goes waay down. It sucks, but that’s how i believe it works for me. I think it works that way because when i am in love my brain is not focused on the task at hand.

Although it might be added that i’m a sceptic about the shakesphere’ian take on romantic love, however you may feel about that.

lifeflame's avatar

When I am in love, I definitely have more energy and creative impulses… especially when I fall in love with people who inspire me and challenge my existing worldview.
However, it’s difficult to stay grounded, and I think as a result the quality of the work might suffer.

I think any sustained act of creativity is a type of love, and I think learning to love (as opposed to just “falling in love”) is a parallel act to learning to create mature art. In other words, my capacity to love has direct relationship to my capacity as an artist.

rooeytoo's avatar

New love is so all consuming there isn’t much room in my head for anything else.

Once it settles down into comfortable companionship and I am contented, perhaps.

But a little bit of angst helps to create art as well, so I might be more productive if I am contented but not necessarily more creative.

Haleth's avatar

I’m usually more creative when I’m unhappy in some way. Somehow unhappiness gives me a lot more drive and motivation to make art, whatever the source. I’ve been in love once, but there were a lot of obstacles to the relationship. I think if I were happily in love, my creative output might be kind of bland, or maybe I wouldn’t get around to making anything!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I know I write less but that’s because my focus goes to creating real life scenarios for my partner and myself, I take my fantasy and play it out at all opportunity.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have to say no on this one. I have felt creative all my life.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I definately feel very inspired being in love which leads to creativity.

filmfann's avatar

Less creative. I am much more creative when broken-hearted.

xzlslazcarter's avatar

more creative, cos when you are in love, expecially for lovers, they wanna spice things up, which means they wanna create something new or different in their life,

Aster's avatar

much more energetic and positive. Its intoxicating.

Joybird's avatar

Love is an emotion. I don’t let emotions set the course and direction for my life. I acknowledge them but they don’t dictate. I am creative all the time. It’s a matter of intent and focus. For me it is in the sitting down and doing…one step of doing in a creative process leads to an expansion and eventually flow. This is not something that comes naturally. It takes practice to maintain active focus on specific goals and not allow yourself to be distracted in the novelty of a budding love and the creative process that is love making. But bliss involves chopping wood and carrying water. For me this means that I do art daily if for no other reason than to allow myself time to center and get back out of emotional mind that comes with new love.

wundayatta's avatar

I find that love has been a source of energy for me. I would jump on and ride it as hard and fast as I can, because I knew it would run out.

I’m creative all the time, mostly because I hang out with a bunch of people who are interested in that. Perhaps also because… I don’t know. That’s the way I am? I am always looking for possibilities and chances to change things. I get rapidly bored. I pretty much don’t enjoy doing anything more than once… maybe twice.

Sometimes I’ll listen to popular music and hear a tune repeated over and over and over, and pretty soon I can’t stand it. When I play, I almost never play the same thing twice. Sometimes I remind myself that other people like repetition, and so I’ll repeat something, but normally I feel a pressure to change all the time. I need to mix things up. I need to tip the balance, see what happens, and then see if I can find a new kind of stability.

I’ve kept the balance so far. But that only means I have to push harder and harder until I knock over the apple cart. Some day I will be well and truly fucked. Not today.

Joybird's avatar

From a psycho/physiological perspective novelty causes increases in dopamine which alters mood. This would be true in new romantic relationships as well as sexual encounters. Some people appear to be naturally inclined towards polyamorous behavior genetically or because they have very real brain anomalies. In either case moving between several long term sexual partners with whom a deep meaningful relationship has been formed creates enough novelty for some people to get very real self medicating benefits. They function more productively as a result. For others this form of self medication takes on addictive patterns wherein there is no longer deep meaningful relationships but a constant grooming for sexual partners and experiences that are quickly discarded like empty drug canisters for another round of new and novel.
Understanding the bio/psycho/social elements of your thinking and behavior may help you alter your inclinations into something more functional.

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