General Question

xshortiex's avatar

How do slimming pills work?

Asked by xshortiex (247points) December 27th, 2009

how do sliming pills work and are they dangerous to take. I’m 16 and wanted to try them out but i’m not sure. Also, do you have to be over 18 to buy them?

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16 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

It depends on the pill. Some are appetite suppressants and some are designed to speed up your heart rate. Some pills, like Alli, bond to fat you eat and make you have diarrhea if you eat too much fat.

At 16 it is not recommended to take any over the counter diet pills. Your body is still growing and these pills can give you permanent damage.

There are tons of easy exercises that will not only help you lose fat- but give you beautiful toned muscle so you can look sleek and fit. Not skinny but still flabby like you get when you only lose fat without building muscle.

Plus if you exercise, you can eat more and not gain weight. Obviously it needs to be healthy food.

If you want to lose weight then talk to your doctor, get some books from the library and research to see which plan you like best. You might even find one that your parents or friends would like to do with you. I really like Body For Life.

Pazza's avatar

Them pills are dead small and contain hardly any carbs…...

Pazza's avatar

All joking aside gemiwing has the answer your looking for.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

You’re 16, don’t take diet pills! If you are concerned about your weight, start exercising or dieting (in a healthy way). Diet pills could have many serious side affects, and cause significant health problems.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Some increase your metabolic rate, others just give you diarrhea. Niether is a healthy thing to do. Eat less and exercise more.

SirGoofy's avatar

By slamming them. The more slim pills you slam, the slimmer you’ll get.

HumourMe's avatar

They don’t.

Likeradar's avatar

They cause you to fork over so much money that your thinnner wallet makes all of you look slimmer.

They don’t work.

faye's avatar

They are a huge scam because North Americans would rather pop a pill than change lifestyle. They DON“T work!

Pazza's avatar

Big farma, conning the public! In league with the FDA, CEO’s using the revolving door to change positions and get new pharmaceutical past that aren’t safe!
I wont have it…...

Someone get me some aspartame, my tuma is starting to shrink and my headacke’s wearing off…... =)

sacamano's avatar

All diet pills work different. You should read as many reviews as possible.

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meagan's avatar

Honestly, I started taking diet pills when I was 16. And I honestly didn’t even need them. Don’t start messing with this stuff when youre young. You’ll mess with your metabolism and before youre really an adult you won’t be able to lose weight like normal kids your age.
Join a website like Track your calories. Start exercising. Just don’t put too much stress on the situation. Weight is just weight. It isn’t the end of the world. :)

xshortiex's avatar

okay thanks guys :) ive decided not to use them now so im going to the gym :D and watching my diet lol

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