General Question

nikayamo's avatar

What is the best way to stay focused on a goal?

Asked by nikayamo (406points) January 13th, 2010

For a while now, I have been trying to follow a daily routine to get my homework and housework done. Usually, I end up dropping the routine after 3–4 days, and then I start not doing homework and so on. Does anyone have any advice as to what will help me keep an orderly routine/schedule?

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3 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Put up a visual reminder on the fridge or a wall. Make a grid with the chores listed and check it off each day as you complete one.

What sabotages you at the three or four day mark?

Tell yourself you are going to get the things done just one day (today). Use that every day.

It takes 21 days for a new habit to become routine. So you just have to march yourself through those 21 days to get the pattern locked in.

john65pennington's avatar

Never overlook the tieing of a ribbon on your finger as a reminder. this is an old saying, but it still works today. if you are not a ribbon-type of person, then use post-it notes and stick them everywhere. i do this, the night before. i make myself write a different post-it note and place it next to my coffeemaker. i know i will see this first thing in the morning. i also place one on the steering wheel of my car as a backup reminder. old habits are hard to break, but like Marina said, it takes time to readjust your body from the old habit to the new habit. post-it notes work for me.

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