Social Question

chelle21689's avatar

Have you ever fallen in love with someone else while you were taken?

Asked by chelle21689 (7907points) April 14th, 2010

What did you do about it? Are you still with that person? Just curious, nothing to do with me.

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15 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I left the person I was married to to be with the one I fell in love with.

tranquilsea's avatar

No, I haven’t. Anytime any feelings have started to arise I cut off contact. I love my hubby too much to even take one step down that road.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Sort of. I’ve ended a relationship because of someone I was in love with, but I had been in love with her prior to the beginning of the relationship. The person I ended it with I, not unexpectedly, lost touch with for a while but as of today we’ve reconnected and talk every now and then. The person I was in love with, I still love dearly, and is my closest friend to this day.

deni's avatar

i had been dating my ex boyfriend for a year when another guy i was friends with came into the picture, and while i wouldn’t say i was in love with him, my feelings for him were stronger than they were for my then-boyfriend, who i did think i was in love with at the time. it ruined our relationship, obviously. i have always regretted it, even though i know i am happier now than i was then, so in the end everything worked out well and i’m glad it ended when it did, just not happy about how it ended. i broke his heart…it was stupid and inconsiderate of me and i don’t know why i did it instead of just breaking up with him. i guess because the new guy had a girlfriend too so there was no point. it was a really ugly situation.

Sophief's avatar

Well I don’t know if you would call it taken, but I guess, maybe. I was living with someone, but our relationship ended a few month before I met my current s/o. I dated him for a year, while still living with my ex. He moved on the sofa and we both had our different lives. Though I never actually said I was seeing someone.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

I left the person I was married to to be with the one I fell in love with. Oh Simone already said that…

slick44's avatar

Yes i have, the results were not good.:(

downtide's avatar

Yes, but I’m also still in love with, and still married to, the person I married.

Ponderer983's avatar

Not to the point of falling in love, because if I am with someone, I wouldn’t let me feelings get that far, as long as things are fine in the current relationship. I keep them at arms length to avoid complicating my already complicated life.

evandad's avatar

A few times

slick44's avatar

It broke up a longtime friendship. Now no one is happy.

MorenoMelissa1's avatar

Yes I was ounce with a man who was abusive to me and he made me feel lower than dirt. Rafael came into my life as a friend and he helped to get the courage to leave the other man. Now I am with rafael and I couldn’t be happier, he has helped me to find my confidence and see how great a person that I am. :)

Scooby's avatar

Many, many times, It was usually just lust not love but I was a lot younger then so it doesn’t really count! :-/

broncosgirl's avatar

yes. I was with a guy for six years and I fell in love with a mutual friend of ours (yikes!). I am with that man now and I am happier than ever. Deciding to be with him was the best decision I’ve ever made. Sometimes you have to do what is best for yourself!

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