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RedmannX5's avatar

Are women physically unable to control how they feel while on their period?

Asked by RedmannX5 (814points) March 24th, 2008 from iPhone

Due to the hormonal fluxiations, are women physically unable to control their feelings while on their period?

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28 Answers

trainerboy's avatar

Yes, and they know exactly how to control how we feel also!!!

Riser's avatar

Got in another fight tonight, huh?

I’d imagine if I were bleeding uncontrollably I’d be a bitch too.

delirium's avatar

Only as much as blueballs are an excuse to finish.

chloelily's avatar

it HURTS. Simply hurts. Imagine feeling like something trimg to bust out in that region, pain searing down your legs. You definitely get crabby. Also, before it starts, women get bluesy and full of tears.

teejay0514's avatar

That’s a good question Redmann. I’ve always wondered that myself, and I think women can control how they feel during their period. I think it’s just harder for them
to control their emotions. .

chloelily's avatar

Yes for a guy, you hit the money.

delirium's avatar

Mostly, honestly, they deserve your sympathy. We don’t want to have to control it. We’re in pain, uncomfortable, horny, in more pain, annoyed…. and so much more.

Just count yourself lucky that you don’t have to deal with it… suck up your pride and go get her chocolate ice cream.

Either that or we’ll start talking about the unpleasant experience of clotting.

theloveprophet's avatar

My gf is on her period right now. She doesn’t seem like a different person at all to me, but she did say that she only acts mean to certain people. So I would have to say, yes they can control themselves.

Riser's avatar

ahh but Delirium blue balls can also be an excuse to start. :D

ppcakes's avatar

@ theloveprophet, i also do that, so yes it is controllable. i am only mean to certain people but thats not a period thing, can be blamed on that though. although all women are different. some women can control others seem to not be able to.

theloveprophet's avatar

Oh that’s interesting, ppcakes… With my girlfriend though, it was in reference to her period. I specifically asked her if she became angry at the world during her period because I didn’t notice it on her last one.

ppcakes's avatar

haha, i become angry sometimes but its more of a controlled anger, its never like i’m just going to take it out on the world, if anything i call my mom and am mean to her cause i know she understands.

i think a lot of women do use it as more of an excuse and i resent them for it, periods aren’‘t an excuse to get what you want. be a fucking female and go out and get it, they fight for their rights why not keep them and not degrade themselves by saying, “i can’t control how i feel, my ovaries are leaking”

theloveprophet's avatar

LOL. I agree 100% with you, but I almost feel weird saying that as I am not a female. Yet, my GF and I are very much alike in how we think, so I’ll just say that my agreement with you stems from her :)

ppcakes's avatar

i dont mind you being a male and agreeing, i think if females fight for their right to be equal they should in turn take ALL of the responsibilities going along with it. and you & your girlfriend seen kick ass =]

theloveprophet's avatar

Haha I would like to say we are, but I’ll be modest :)
Do you think that this should make women exempt from getting in fights with men?
I’m sure you’ve heard, “never hit a girl.”
I believe you shouldn’t hit girls, but if they want equality and all…?

Can you even ask a question within a question on this site? Will I be banned for this response?
Meh, whatever, more posts for the Topic Creator…

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ppcakes's avatar

but i don’t think it should be out of the question. **

got ahead of myself on that one.

theloveprophet's avatar

haha I like your response though. I really do. You seem to get life. Not many people do…

ppcakes's avatar

thanks, i try. i just hate double standards although my life is based on them. i’m an oxymoron!

susanc's avatar

Emotions get pretty ratty with (some) women when they’re having (some of) their periods.
The question isn’t should they control their emotions, can they control their emotions,
but can they control their behavior. And we can. But when someone cuts us any slack at all,
it makes a BIG difference.
I had such bad periods that I lost too much fluid and fainted. And I can talk about
clots if invited. When I finally got to a female gynecologist, she said, “If a man were
bleeding this violently he’d be in the ER getting transfusions.” This was after l2 years
of losing about a quart of blood a month.
Consider that kind of thing before you get all righteous and punitive and suggest that women get knocked in the eye for spitting. Don’t be a cunt. It makes us all look like idiots.

delirium's avatar

I can’t great answer susan the million times I want, so i’m going to state my agreeance here as well.

trainerboy's avatar

I gave her one for you delirium although I have no clue about her answer since i have never had a period.

RedmannX5's avatar

…there’s no need for any talk about clotting…haha :/

shorty's avatar

Its not about the period! It’s about the change in hormones and that’s when the woman gets crazy. I guess the best way to describe it would compare it to a computerized car. If something goes wrong with a part of that system then the car don’t run right, same difference with the hormones in a girls/woman’s body. You can’t base it on how it affects one compared to another.

ppcakes are you male or female? You sound like a male who has little knowledge of what a woman goes through at that time of month. Yes some women have faught for their rights to earn the same amount of money for the same job. In my opinion which I’m giving from an observation of your answer which may get me booted…You sound like a chauvinistic pig. who don’t know anything about a woman. I feel for the woman who do have a rough time of the month. I use to be one.

ppcakes's avatar

im obviously a woman, not a chauvinistic pig, i jsut think women use their period to get a little too much sympathy. but maybe i am wrong maybe i am lucky because i have a normal, on time period, with no cramps and nothing of that nature.
i know some women have it bad but there are also people to see about them things and i was talking for myself, not for other women, when i said i dont have mood changes/ i can control them…

i did not say, “all women can control them” i only spoke for myself. i would really like people to real thoroughly and to not put words in my mouth.

tytbaby21's avatar

ppcakes…so you are answering for women in general…says so in your last post. I am a fellow female who has experienced the harsher side of a cycle. Some months are easier than others but there are definatly times where i am uncontrollably emotional or angry and will snap at the first thing someone says to me especially with age or after have experiencing a pregnancy. Has nothing to do with what kind of person you are or even how you cope with things. Its all hormones. They do get out of whack on occassion.

tytbaby21's avatar

lol at ppcakes and theloveprophet…i hope your gf doesnt read these posts because they could be interpreted as flirting. And ppcakes…when exactly do you hear about females getting any type of sympathy because they’re on their periods? No one ever wants to talk about Its like a no fly zone. I know plenty of women with bad cycles and they still go to work everyday, they still perform daily chores, they still cook…some still have sex…lol. Life doesnt stop or slow down because you’re vagina is bleeding profusely.

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