General Question

Knotmyday's avatar

How would you spend your last (holiday) with her?

Asked by Knotmyday (7516points) December 11th, 2008

A friend of mine found out last week that his mom has inoperable, advanced cancer. He, his wife, and three kids are taking immediate leave to spend their last Christmas together with her at the hospital. It is so awful in so many ways that I haven’t permitted myself to dwell on it, but I spoke to him today before he left, and I am now wondering what I and my family would do in the same situation. What would you guys do?

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5 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

Spend as much time as possible with her. Ahead of these eventualities, I work to maintain all these relationships, I don’t want any regrets.

gailcalled's avatar

I would leave the choice up to the mom (or any patient with a fatal condition.) It just happened here to a friend of mine. She had stage IV lung cancer and chose to be only with her long-term partner, her daughter and her little grand-daughter. They accepted food but no visitors.

augustlan's avatar

If I was the patient, I’d want to spend it at home. Quiet laughter and lots of hugs would be my only wishes.

chicadelplaya's avatar

I would gather up all the old photos, favorite music, and family stories I could think of. Then camp out with my loved one and enjoy each other as much as we could.

TaoSan's avatar

gosh I’m not even touching that one. HOOORAY DENIAL!

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