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Aster's avatar

Am I the only person on earth who has to do this because of dogs?

Asked by Aster (20028points) May 16th, 2011

I have a nice, big office of 10×12. It has 3 big windows on the front of the house so the dogs can not only hear, but see anyone who drives or walks by. The first month I was here someone came by and the dogs barked so loudly that it ruined my ears. That is, I have had tinnitus ever since. So I got some 3M headphones. Each time I hear someone driving by I grab them and put them on before the first bark. If someone rings the doorbell I’m often too late to grab them and my ears ring very loudly that evening. Someone is expected soon so the earphones are on my lap. I got a doggie door which stopped my having to jump up 50 times per day but I have this annoying, rare problem that I would not have were it not for the dogs. Am I the only person who must keep headphones on their desk because of ear damage from dogs do you think? Please don’t suggest training classes for various reasons.

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