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Motion capture/Performance capture technology in movies- Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Christmas Carol, Polar Express- your views?

Asked by krrazypassions (1355points) June 3rd, 2011

Also, Peter Jackson and Steven Speilberg’s Tintin movie, currently in post-production, also relies on motion capture technology to craft ‘real Herge people’.

Performance capture not only captures body movements but also facial expressions and converts them to virtual characters- like Tom Hanks in Polar Express, Jim Carey in Christmas Carol and Angelina Jolie in Beowulf. Did you feel the uncanny valley effect while watching realistic virtual characters in Polar Express and The Christmas Carol?
On the other hand, the Na’avis in Avatar and Gollum in Lord of the Rings, the penguins(especially their dance) in Happy Feet and Kong in King Kong seem to be effective and wise use of performance capture technology.

What do you feel about this new technology and its use in the mentioned films? Do you know any other note-worthy applications of this technology?

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