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_zen_'s avatar

Play fluther scrabble with me?

Asked by _zen_ (7857points) June 25th, 2011

I hope I’ve worked this out right, please feel free to correct me or contribute to the idea.

There are seven tiles (letters) left for you by the previous jelly. Try to make the best scoring word you can. The only rules are: be nice, leave decent letters and at least two vowels and don’t go heavy on the Q’s X’s and Z’s. The other is try to do it without googling – then, if you wish, google it and add the best one the computer can come up with.

Score: All 7 letters: Amazo-Jelly; 6 letters; Scrabble-dabble-fish; 5 letters: Good golly, miss jelly; 4 letters; not-too-shabbyfish; 3 or less; you either got sucky letters, or your thinking cap was swallowed by a whale.

It’s all in fun – so be kind, rewind.

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