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What size generator do I need?

Asked by metadog (381points) August 27th, 2011

I am looking at getting a generator for emergency needs. Just to get an idea of what the top end would be, how big of a generator would my house need to run the entire place? I have two junction boxes. 2 – 50 gallon hot water heaters, two heat pumps, well pump, sump pump, lights, a couple of refridgerators, electronics, etc. (dishwasher and clothes washer/dryer unnecessary).

Conversely, just to run the important stuff… sump pump, refrigerators, well pump, some lights, eectronics, etc. What size would that be?

Lastly, totally ballpark, is there a way to set up some kind of integration between the house and the generator? Or would that work? Am I looking at things the wrong way? Thanks!

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