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mattbrowne's avatar

What are the stages of successful aging?

Asked by mattbrowne (31732points) March 19th, 2012

Inspired by George E. Vaillant’s book “Aging Well”. He defines the following stages of adulthood: identity, intimacy, career consolidation, generativity, keeper of the meaning, and integrity.

“Failure to successfully work through the identity stage causes difficulties with intimacy and career consolidation. Vaillant describes the identity stage as the development of a sense of self-knowing one’s values, politics, and passions. Generativity reflects the capacity to give the self – finally completed through mastery of the first three tasks of adult development – away, welcoming the building of community. With generativity comes awareness that we are part of a social network of individuals in which we act for the benefit of the group. The focus of a keeper of meaning is on conservation and preservation of the collective products of mankind – the culture in which one lives and its institutions – rather than on just the development of its children. The stage of integrity has less to do with making a difference in the world, and more to do with finding inner peace with all the experiences of life and the world.”

What stages have you observed?

My second question: Does Fluther thrive because of questions related to identity, intimacy, career consolidation, generativity, keeper of the meaning, and integrity?

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