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Jenniehowell's avatar

Which bugs/insects were or were not on the Ark?

Asked by Jenniehowell (2221points) October 20th, 2012

I read an article about 20 weirdest religious beliefs. There was mention of something to do with the Ark in the article and about how rare it is for kids to question authority when being told such stories hence a child is not as likely to ask why didn’t the lions eat the guinea pigs?

My friend and I then got into a discussion about the ark. I of course unlike the authority believing child did have questions and told my friend that the people searching for the remnants of this ark would never find said remnants because obviously there were termites on the ark which likely feasted for months on the ark. We then got into a discussion about bugs and I pondered who’s job was it to sex the bugs for the trip & how did an average joe like Noah know which termite was the female and male, which flea was female and male, mosquito etc etc. My friend responded telling me that there were no bugs on the ark placed there by Noah and his gang and any bugs that survived the flood would have either gotten on the ark themselves such as termites on the wood, fleas on the animals etc. and that since bugs are so resilient the rest of them simply survived the flood.

I want to know the potential truths to our fun and non science based discussion. Which bugs can survive a flood of that magnitude? Would it have made sense that bugs and other animals would survive by attaching themselves to floating debris? How exactly (of course pretending or assuming the flood story is true) did bugs make it &/or did any other animal not on the ark make it through this ordeal?

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