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LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Patronizing when people tell me I've 'come so far'?

Asked by LeavesNoTrace (5677points) November 2nd, 2012

I don’t know how to take it when people bring up my allegedly difficult start in life to compliment my accomplishments. Like I brought up in another thread, I was bullied a lot as a kid and had severe problems being misunderstood and marginalized by my parents and teachers but went on to achieve good things and am moving toward a successful career as I enter my mid 20s

The other day, one of my older brother’s friends wrote this long comment on my Facebook Timeline about how proud she is of me for overcoming my obstacles/detriments and brought up really specific ones that were kind of personal. I know her intentions were good but besides being miffed about the really personal stuff she alluded to I can’t help but feel kind of patronized when people tell me I’ve ‘come so far’ and ‘overcame a lot’.

When people bring up my past to compliment me I don’t know how to feel. They kind of act like I was this ugly, horrible lagoon creature who magically transformed into a goddamn unicorn. Is it normal that I get a little annoyed?

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