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I need a good argument for being homeschooled?

Asked by Brie (283points) September 23rd, 2013

My high school is terrible, I’ve complained about it on here before.
It’s in a small town and it’s extremely trashy.

I thought last year was bad, now it’s worse.

The kids are so disrespectful, no one wants to be there. They talk constantly, the teacher will tell them to be quiet and they look her dead in the face and continue talking.
She threatened to fail them on their test because they were talking during the test and they complained about it in the next class saying that wasn’t “fair” because “she gets to talk” (she’s the teacher!!??).
The talking bothers me because I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing. It even caused me to make a low grade (60) once even though I’m an “A” student.
The teacher knows and tried to address it but she has no control because there are 35 kids in all of my classes.

Last week, a teacher even walked out. She couldn’t get them to be quiet and felt out of control so she just left our class.
In my other classes they just refuse to do the work so the teachers give up. They just teach the ones that want to be there, but that usually just means giving us a worksheet and telling us what section we “should” read.

Most of the teachers don’t want to be there. I had one teacher tell us the only reason he was staying was so he could keep his kid on his insurance for one more year.

All of our books are old. They’re all, and I mean ALL, from 1998–2003. My Biology class doesn’t even have books. My dad called the school about it and they said, “Oh, yeah, we’re ordering books they just haven’t come yet.” That was 2 months ago…they didn’t order any books. They lied. My history teacher teaches from the book and he’s teaching these kids incorrect and out of date information.
For instance he was teaching that King Tut’s heritage was unknown, when in fact, it is now known that Tut’s father was Akhenaten and his mother was Akhenaten’s full sister. He also said that no one knows how Tut died, when actually, they found several strains of malaria in Tut’s marrow and since he was frail from inbreeding, he probably died from malaria.

Now, I looked that up myself, these other kids will go on believing that nobody knows the Golden Boy’s heritage.

My school also participates in illegal activities, for instance, the school buses are overcrowded. They put high school kids, elementary, and middle all on the same buses and so there are at least 20–30 kids standing in the aisle or sitting on the steps.

The police know, today we pulled up behind a city sheriff and there was a bus in front and there were 3 little girls waving at the sheriff from the emergency door in the aisle.

My school also has a cellphone policy where they think they can take your phone for a year. They also make you pay $20 to get it back, which is illegal.

My parents know about all of this…and yet they won’t put me in home school online. And yes, that’s the only option. We only have one private school and the admission runs on a lottery system. It’s also in another city about 30 minutes from here and I have no way to get there.

They say homeschool is “too expensive”, and it is, for K12, year round admission is $7000. But my parents could afford it, I saw they wrote a check for $9000 for a house they’re building. They told me to “make the best of it” and “show the other kids how it’s done” if. The other kids think I’m a loser because I care about school.

I need a better argument (I don’t know how much better of an argument I could make). But it’s also giving me migraines and I’m extremely depressed, I don’t want to get up in the morning. It’s not that I “hate school”... I just hate my school. I’m not learning anything! I learn more by coming home and reading articles.

My only other option is to get my dad to ask my grandparents, but he doesn’t want to do that because his dad told him to never ask for money so he has this complex that he’s afraid to ask his dad for anything.
And also I’ve only met them twice so I feel weird about asking them for something…

What can I do???!!!

I’m going mental at this school. I go to an art camp over the summer and ALL of those kids go to private school. It bothered me so I brought it up to my parents and my stepmom said, “We don’t do something just because other people do it.”

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